Scrapes an HTML site with rvest and returns a tibble containing the original URL and the scraped and simplified text




a vector of target URLs as strings


scrapes: a tibble containing the original URL and the simplified text


brok_scrape(c('', ''))
#> Test passed 😸
#> Test passed 🌈
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Fake Python\n\nFake Jobs for Your Web Scraping Journey\n\nEnergy engineer\nVasquez-Davidson\n\nParty prevent live. Quickly candidate change although. Together type music hospital. Every speech support time operation wear often.\n\nLocation: Christopherville, AA\n\nPosted: 2021-04-08"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "Fake Python\n\nFake Jobs for Your Web Scraping Journey\n\nMaterials engineer\nDavis, Serrano and Cook\n\nApproach great top series public none. Include air sort couple hold group but. Again identify real to follow so. Live teach movie I situation understand agree.\n\nLocation: South Tammyberg, AP\n\nPosted: 2021-04-08"

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#> [1] "url                                                                        text\n       | Fake Python Fake Jobs for Your Web Scraping Journey ...\n   | Fake Python Fake Jobs for Your Web Scraping Journey ..."