
Here we attempt to build a classification model using the Random Forest Classifier algorithm (Liaw and Wiener 2002) which will use the Census Income data with demographic features such as level of education, age, hours dedicated to work, etc to predict whether a person’s annual income will be greater than 50K or not. Our model was able to correctly predict 83% of the test examples. Our classifier performed fairly on unseen test data with an ROC AUC score of 0.89, indicating that it is able to distinguish between the positive class (income > 50k) and negative class (income <=50K) with 0.89 probability. The average precision score of our model on the test data is 0.70 and recall score is close to 0.71, indicating that among the people whose income is actually >50K, we identified 70% of them correctly and among all the people who earned more than 50K, we were able to predict 71% of them correctly. However, it incorrectly predicted 0.064% test examples as false positives. These kinds of incorrect predictions could lead people into believing that they can earn more than 50K by following some other career path which might not be favourable for them, thus we recommend continuing the study to improve this prediction model before it is put into production.


As we progress into the future, it has become imperative to earn high to be able to lead a good lifestyle along with enjoying luxuries. People are curious to know what factors affect their income and based on this analysis, how they can take decisions in their lives to earn more.

Sometimes people are not sure how the level of schooling, the number of hours they dedicate to their work, their marital status and other factors affect their annual income. To determine this, here we ask if we can use a machine learning algorithm to predict whether a person will earn more than 50K USD annually based on these factors or not. Having an understanding of whether they will be able to earn more than 50K USD based on some factors, can help people tweak their career decisions early in life and come up with a plan that can help them earn more in future. (Chakrabarty and Biswas 2018) Also, the income of a person plays a pivotal role in the banking sector to decide whether they would grant them loan or not based on the income level. Thus, if a machine learning algorithm can accurately and effectively predict whether a person will earn more than 50K USD annually, this could help people make better decisions early in their life, until things go out of their hands.



The data set used in this project is the Census Income Dataset, which is also known as the Adult dataset (Census Income 1996), and was created in 1996. It was sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and the data was extracted by Barry Becker using the 1994 Census database and details of which could be found here.

In this dataset, each row represents a single sample from the census, which include the demographic data of a resident. We are going to dig into the data and explore more about the relationship between the demographic features and their income level below.

The training data set has 32561 observations, and no observation with NULL value is found in the raw data. In the test data, there are 16281 examples. So the train-test split is roughly 2:1, i.e. the test split is taking up around 33% of the entire data set. Below is a glimpse of few rows from our training set and information about the datatypes and count of records in each feature.

Table 1.1 Glimpse of training data
X age workclass fnlwgt education education_num marital_status occupation relationship race sex capital_gain capital_loss hours_per_week native_country income
0 39 State-gov 77516 Bachelors 13 Never-married Adm-clerical Not-in-family White Male 2174 0 40 United-States <=50K
1 50 Self-emp-not-inc 83311 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Exec-managerial Husband White Male 0 0 13 United-States <=50K
2 38 Private 215646 HS-grad 9 Divorced Handlers-cleaners Not-in-family White Male 0 0 40 United-States <=50K
3 53 Private 234721 11th 7 Married-civ-spouse Handlers-cleaners Husband Black Male 0 0 40 United-States <=50K
4 28 Private 338409 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Prof-specialty Wife Black Female 0 0 40 Cuba <=50K
Table 1.2 Datatypes summary for training data
Column Non.Null Count DType
age 32561 non-null int64
workclass 30725 non-null object
fnlwgt 32561 non-null int64
education 32561 non-null object
education_num 32561 non-null int64
marital_status 32561 non-null object
occupation 30718 non-null object
relationship 32561 non-null object
race 32561 non-null object
sex 32561 non-null object
capital_gain 32561 non-null int64
capital_loss 32561 non-null int64
hours_per_week 32561 non-null int64
native_country 31978 non-null object
income 32561 non-null object

Upon checking the statistical summary of each features, we found that there were many values in this data set which were represented by ?. So, as part of data cleaning and wrangling, we replaced ? with NaN, after which we found that there are 1836 missing values in workclass, 1843 in occupation, and 583 in native_country.

During the analysis of the target column, we observed there are 24720 observations with annual income less than 50K, which is around 76% of the training data and there are 7841 samples with income more than 50K, which constitues for 24%. We could see class imbalance here, and decided to solve the class imbalance problem by using the class_weight=balanced hyperparameter while tuning the model afterwards. The uneven distribution of class has been represented below.

Figure 1.1 Class imbalance and uneven distribution of the training data predictors

Figure 1.1 Class imbalance and uneven distribution of the training data predictors

When we performed an initial sanity check on the test dataset, we found that all the columns in the test data were of object type. We had to perform some additional steps to change the data types of some of the features like age, fnlwgt to the numeric columns, to align it with the data types of the training data set.


In the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), we tried to assess the importance of each feature towards the prediction of the income level. We visualized the distribution of features (both numerical and categorical) to check if there was any potential bias in the data set so that we could carry out suitable processing different features.

Here we are visualizing the distribution of each numeric feature of each target class. The blue color represents the group with annual income <=50K USD, while the orange color represents the counterpart.

Figure 1.2 Distribution of numerical features

Figure 1.2 Distribution of numerical features

From the plots above, we can see that the features age, education_num, hours_per_week are the major features which are demarcating the difference between the two classes clearly

Below, we are visualizing key numeric features against the target class and basically want to look out for any outliers and statistical measures of the data.

Figure 1.3 Statistical summary of numerical features

Figure 1.3 Statistical summary of numerical features

We observe that capital_gain and capital_loss are not giving much insight into the demarcation of the two classes

Similar to numeric features, we explored the categorical features in order to observe the frequencies of each feature which may affect the performance of model while detecting any of the target class.

Figure 1.4  Distribution of categorical features

Figure 1.4 Distribution of categorical features

In particular, since native_country had too many unique values, and the majority of the sample were from the United States, we decided to explore the feature as a binary feature with other countries been assigned to Others, and we could see the United States still had the super majority in this feature.

Figure 1.5 Distribution of income based on country(USA vs others)

Figure 1.5 Distribution of income based on country(USA vs others)

In addition to this, we also assessed the Spearman’s Rank Correlation among the different features, however in this data set, all features had correlation close to zero, indicating there are relatively independent and could be useful for deriving an accurate prediction.

Figure 1.6 Spearman's Rank Correlation for numeric features

Figure 1.6 Spearman’s Rank Correlation for numeric features

The R and Python programming languages (R Core Team 2021; Van Rossum and Drake 2009) and the following R and Python packages were used to perform the analysis: Pandas (team 2020), numpy (Harris et al. 2020), docopt (Keleshev 2014), altair (Sievert 2018), knitr (Xie 2021), tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019), scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011), os (Van Rossum and Drake 2009), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), seaborn(Waskom 2021) . The code used to perform the analysis and create this report can be found here:


Feature Transformation

From the EDA, it is discovered that most of the values in the column native_country are United-States, while each of the other values have a very little proportion and is hard for the model to derive information. Therefore we transformed the native_country feature into a binary feature, where True stands for the person who comes from the US, False for the rest.

To transform the data frame into a ready-to-use array for the machine learning model, we used a column transformer. In particular, we applied scaling to numeric feautres, one-hot encoding to categorical features, and binary encoding to binary features. However, from EDA, we also found that there were null values in two of the categorical features workclass and occupation. As it does not make sense to impute any category to the missing value, we decided not to encode the null value class, i.e. the one-hot encoding for null would be all zero. Furthermore, we dropped the features education, race, capital_gain and capital_loss. It is because education_num is already the ordinal encoding of education, we did not want to duplicate the information, and race shall not be considered due to ethical controversy. Also, it was observed that capital_gain and capital_loss were mostly zero-valued, that little information could be exploited, so we decided to drop these columns to simplify the feature space.

Feature Transformation
occupation OHE (dropped NaN)
age Scaling
workclass OHE (dropped NaN)
fnlwgt Scaling
education Drop feature
education.num passthrough
marital.status OHE
relationship OHE
race Drop feature
sex Binary encoding
capital.gain Drop feature
capital.loss Drop feature
hours.per.week Scaling Binary encoding

Model Training

In this project, we are attempting to classify the income level of a person with a Random Forest Classifier, which typically yields an acceptable performance in heterogeneous data with higher dimensionality. Since the final dimensionality of the transformed feature is 41, we believe that random forest could give a promising performance.

To start with, we created two models - a baseline with Dummy Classifier and the Random Forest Classifier with default hyperparameters respectively:

Table 2.1 Performance of Baseline Models
Metrics DummyClassifier RandomForest_default
fit_time 0.074 2.837
score_time 0.057 0.303
test_accuracy 0.759 0.827
test_precision 0.000 0.667
test_recall 0.000 0.564
test_f1 0.000 0.611
test_roc_auc 0.500 0.874

To further optimize the model, we investigated a few feature selection algorithms such as Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) and Boruta algorithm. However, we found that these feature selection algorithms take too long to complete since we have more than 36,000 training examples and 40 features, so much so that it takes more than 2 hours to tune the hyperparameters with cross validation. We also implemented SHAPing to compute the impact of features on our model predictions but due to the large size of the data, the execution time was not reasonable. Hence, we decided not to apply any feature selection or SHAPing algorithm at this stage. We might come up with an optimized way of feature selection in the future.

Apart from feature selection, we also tuned various hyperparameters for the Random Forest Classifier with 5-fold cross validation, which includes n_estimator - the number of trees, max_depth - the maximum depth of each decision tree, and class_weight to decide whether setting a heavier weight for less populated class would yield good results. The result of hyperparameter tuning is as follows:

Table 2.2 Results of Hyperparameter Tuning
n_estimators max_depth class_weight mean_test_roc_auc mean_test_accuracy mean_test_precision mean_test_recall mean_test_f1
200 16 balanced 0.890 0.811 0.580 0.785 0.667
20 16 balanced 0.885 0.811 0.579 0.785 0.666
100 18 balanced 0.888 0.816 0.593 0.756 0.665
200 12 balanced 0.891 0.795 0.549 0.836 0.663
50 12 balanced 0.891 0.795 0.549 0.835 0.662
20 12 balanced 0.889 0.796 0.550 0.828 0.661
10 18 balanced 0.878 0.811 0.585 0.744 0.655
50 10 balanced 0.889 0.781 0.528 0.857 0.653
50 18 none 0.889 0.840 0.712 0.564 0.629
500 18 none 0.891 0.840 0.714 0.562 0.629
50 16 none 0.890 0.839 0.716 0.552 0.624
50 14 none 0.892 0.840 0.724 0.545 0.622
20 14 none 0.890 0.839 0.721 0.543 0.619
100 14 none 0.892 0.840 0.724 0.541 0.619
10 16 none 0.882 0.835 0.702 0.547 0.615
10 14 none 0.886 0.835 0.707 0.539 0.611
500 12 none 0.892 0.838 0.731 0.520 0.608
10 12 none 0.886 0.836 0.716 0.528 0.607
20 10 none 0.888 0.835 0.732 0.501 0.594
100 10 none 0.890 0.836 0.735 0.498 0.594

So fundamentally, it is clear that setting class_weight to balanced (while handling the class imbalance at the same time) would boost the Recall score and F1 score, while sacrificing accuracy and precision. Although both target class have equal importance in this dataset, we would also choose to optimize the ROC_AUC score due to the serious class imbalance, as accuracy cannot reflect the genuine performance of the model. Hence the model selected is the model with n_estimator=200, max_depth=16and`class_weight=balanced.



Table 3.1 Performance of the best model on training & testing data
Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1_Score AP_Score AUC_Score
Train Data 0.868 0.660 0.934 0.774 0.864 0.956
Test Data 0.811 0.572 0.789 0.663 0.710 0.891

Although it seems that the testing performance of the model is worse than the training scores, our model actually has a similar performance as the cross validation results, indicating that the model does not overfit on the training data.

Table 3.2 Confusion Matrix on testing data
Class Predicted_less_than_50K Predicted_greater_than_50K
True<=50K 10161 2274
True>50K 810 3036
Table 3.3 Classification Report on testing data
Class precision recall f1-score support
<=50K 0.926 0.817 0.868 12435
>50K 0.572 0.789 0.663 3846
accuracy 0.811 0.811 0.811 0
macro avg 0.749 0.803 0.766 16281
weighted avg 0.842 0.811 0.820 16281

From both classification report and the confusion matrix, we can see that the model performs much better in the negative class, i.e. <=50K, that its counterpart. Since the number of false positive is greater than that of false negative, our model would be slightly overestimating the income level of a person.

Figure 3.1 Precision-Recall Curve on training data

Figure 3.1 Precision-Recall Curve on training data

Table 3.4 Model performance on testing data with best threshold
Model with best threshold Test.Data.Metrics
Accuracy 0.828
Precision 0.616
Recall 0.719
F1_Score 0.663
Average_Precision_Score 0.710
AUC_Score 0.891

Since the Random Forest Model could also produce a probability score, it is possible for us to determine an optimal threshold value to better distinguish the classes. From the PR curve, we could see that 0.35 is the best threshold value with training data. When we apply the new threshold to the test data set, the F1 score did not change a lot, while the accuracy score has improved. Thus using the best threshold could slightly improve the decision made by the model.

Figure 3.2 ROC Curve on testing data

Figure 3.2 ROC Curve on testing data

Looking at the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, we could also analyze the performance of the classifier at different threshold level, while the Area under curve (AUC) score is one of the metrics that could evaluate the model performance with high class imbalance. Our model achieved 0.89 in AUC, which indicates that it has a relatively good performance in accurately detecting both classes.

Figure 3.3 SHAP summary bar plot for global feature importance

Figure 3.3 SHAP summary bar plot for global feature importance

As we can see form the above SHAP summary bar plot, it represents the most important global features for classification of an income being above or below 50K USD. We observed that education level in terms of years, marital status, age and the number of hours dedicated in the job per week are the most important features that help in classifying the income of person.

Figure 3.4 SHAP summary heat plot for feature importance and direction

Figure 3.4 SHAP summary heat plot for feature importance and direction

The SHAP summary heatplot above shows the most important features for predicting the class. It also shows the direction of how it’s going to drive the prediction.As we can see from this plot, higher levels of education have bigger SHAP values for income level greater than 50K USD, whereas smaller levels of education have smaller SHAP values driving the prediction in a negative direction for classification (towards ‘<=50K’). Having a spouse also seems to have a bigger SHAP value for people with more than 50K USD income and drives it in a positive direction.



Further Development

To further improve the prediction result in the future, there are a few different approaches we could try.

First we could try different types of classification models. One model we would try is support vector machine (SVM) with RBF kernel since it could transform the features to hyperplanes with higher dimension, which could possibly discover a better decision boundary for the predictive problem. Another model we would want to try is multi-layer perceptron, i.e. a simple neural network. As it introduces non-linearity transformation to the output of each perceptron, the overall model would have a higher degree of freedom, thus might be able to formulate a better decision rule for the classification.

Another approach would be feature selection and feature engineering. In our analysis, some of the features are dropped due to a bad distribution but they might also contain important information. For instance, we could transform capital_gain and capital_loss into ordinal categorical features, or group native_country by continents. After that, we could also generate feature with higher power, and make use of RFE algorithm to select features with top importance and try to boost the performance of the model.


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