is a R package that provides easy access to Covid-19 data from Our World in Data, as well as functions to generate relevant Covid-19 charts and summaries easily. We aim to make covizr
simple and easy to use. Our goal is to enable anyone with basic R programming knowledge to access and visualize Covid-19 data, and make their own informed decisions and conclusions.
There are existing R packages that allow users to download and generate Covid-19 charts. For example, covid19 is a package that presents worldwide COVID-19 data from several sources in a R environment.
We aim to provide simple visualization functions that allow users to answer questions regarding the Covid-19 pandemic as quickly as possible.
This package contains four functions: get_data
, plot_metric
, plot_spec
and plot_summary
: User can retrieve the COVID data from the source as a dataframe. Specific data can be retrieved by passing the date range and the list of countries
: Create a line chart presenting COVID total new cases verses another metric within a time period
: Create a line chart presenting specific country/countries COVID information within a time period
: Create a horizontal bar chart summarising a specified variable and value within a time period
# Uncomment the below line to install `devtools` if not installed.
# install.packages("devtools")
After installation, we recommend to restart the R session before proceeding, as there may be dependencies packages being updated.
To use the package, import the package with following commands:
To use the functions, see below examples:
df = get_data(date_from="2022-01-01", date_to="2022-01-21")
plot_summary(df, var="location", val="new_cases", fun="sum", date_from="2022-01-01", date_to="2022-01-15", top_n=10)
Summary graph
plot_spec(df, location=c("Canada", "Turkey"), val="new_cases", date_from="2022-01-01", date_to="2022-01-07")
New COVID-19 specific graph
plot_metric(df, loc_val = c("Canada"), metric='positive_rate', date_from="2022-01-15", date_to="2022-01-21")
New COVID-19 case metric graph