Analysis of Customer Complaints on US Financial Products


Ty Andrews

Dhruvi Nishar

Luke Yang

1 Summary

Here we used multiple classification algorithms to predict whether a financial product consumer will dispute a complaint made to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus’ (CFPB) Consumer Complaints Database(Consumer Complaints Database 2022).

2 Introduction

As of 2022, the CFPB receives over 60,000 consumer complaints a month related to companies financial products. Between December 2011 and November 2022 over 140,000 complaints were disputed by consumers costing both the companies and CFPB time and money.

Complaints can be responded to by the company in multiple ways but each consumer has the opportunity to dispute the provided response. These disputes are likely costly to both the CFPB and the companies for which they are raised so being able to anticipate whether a complaint will be disputed has the potential to save both time and money for companies and the CFPB alike. Especially, as we observed that the number of complaints spikes near 2022 (Figure 1), it is essential to understand the tactics of handling these complaints.

Figure 1. Complaints Over Timeline

Figure 1. Complaints Over Timeline

3 Methods

3.1 Data

We used pandas(McKinney 2010), scikit-learn(Pedregosa et al. 2011), and TidyVerse (Wickham et al. 2019) to collect, analyze, and summarize our data. The CFPB database contains ~3 million complaints starting from December 2011 all the way up to November 2022 when this report was written. There are 18 columns included in the raw data of which the following 12 were focussed on to attempt to answer the study question. The remaining columns either had too many missing values or were id columns thus not likely to be useful.

Table 1: Primary dataset features used for analysis.
Features Description
consumer_complaint_narrative Text written by the cutsomer pertaining to the complaint
product The high level financial product to which the complaint relates
sub_product A specific product within the high level product category
issue The type of complaint being raised
sub_issue The low level type of issue submitted
consumer_consent_provided Binary of whether the consumer provided consent to be contacted by the company
timely_response Whether the company responded to the complaint within 15 days
submitted_via The channel by which the complaint was lodged
company_public_response How the company publically responded to the complaint
company The company’s name against which the complaint was lodged
company_response_to_consumer How the company responded to the customer
consumer_disputed Did the consumer dispute the companies response/proposed resolution

Approximately 4.8% of all complaints are disputed, with the ~75.1% of complaints having an unknown dispute status. Figure 2 below shows the balance of dispute status.

Figure 2. Class Imbalance in the Target Column

Each field has varying amounts of missing values as can be seen in Table 1 below. Fields such as tag where there are numerous entries missing values were removed from the analysis. Individual complaints with missing information were removed from the data-set for analysis since the data set is large enough to still have a significant number of training examples for the analysis (~20,000).

Table 2. Unique and missing value counts by data feature.
Fields Valid Count Unique Count
product 3142434 18
sub_product 2907141 76
issue 3142434 165
sub_issue 2457220 221
consumer_complaint_narrative 1128809 984613
company_public_response 1369029 11
company 3142434 6583
state 3102263 63
zip_code 3101735 34484
tags 354684 3
consumer_consent_provided 2313331 4
submitted_via 3142434 7
date_sent_to_company 3142434 3974
company_response_to_consumer 3142430 8
timely_response 3142434 2
consumer_disputed 768440 2
complaint_id 3142434 3142434

3.2 Data Pre-Processing for Analysis

As the dataset is quite large, >3 million complaints, it was decided to start off by dropping any complaints which were missing one of the above features. This results in a training data set of ~200,000 complaints.

Feature pre-processing approach for the modelling and rationale is as follows:

Table 3: These features were passed into a column transformer, which was then integrated with five different estimators for prediction.
Features Preprocessing Step Rationale


max_features = 1000

High Amount of Unique Textual Data










submitted via



drop = “if_binary”

Each field is categorical
consumer_consent_provided dropped Only one value in this column

3.3 Analysis

A predictive approach using multiple classification models was used to attempt to predict whether a consumer would dispute a complaint or not. A DummyClassifier was used with the a most frequent approach which predicts the most frequent class (not disputed).

The following scikit-learn models were trained and cross-validated on the training data set:

  • Logistic Regression
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier

Cross validation scores on both the train and validation set were recorded.

4 Results & Discussion

We applied the DummyClassifier, LogisticRegression, Naive Bayes, SVC, and RandomForestClassifier to predict the targetwhich is whether the customer disputed the complaint or not. The models were applied using default parameters and a five-fold cross-validation were applied using the training split. We examined and recorded the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 scores to be the metrics evaluating the models. The results of the cross validation were as follows:

Table 4. Model Performance and Score.
Metric Dummy Logistic Regression Naive Bayes SVC Random Forest
fit_time 2.477 8.422 1.879 98.956 29.277
score_time 0.484 1.028 0.503 18.946 3.297
test_accuracy 0.778 0.648 0.704 0.681 0.783
test_recall 0.000 0.448 0.347 0.437 0.056
test_precision 0.000 0.302 0.339 0.334 0.625
test_f1 0.000 0.361 0.342 0.378 0.102

Figure 3 below illustrates a visual representation of the performance of the models. We observe a high accuracy of the DummyClassifier. Given the imbalance of the class, the accuracy would not be an important metric in this problem. Instead, from the company’s perspective, we focus more on improving the precision, the recall, and the f1 score. Noticeably the company likely wants to spot the people who are going to dispute, thus, the recall score here is more important compared to precision.

Figure 3: Performance of Different Models on Different Metrics

Performance of Different Models on Different Metrics

The results above motivates us to choose LogisticRegression as the final estimator. It has one of the overall highest f1 scores at 0.361 and among the recall is among highest scores. Though it sacrifices some accuracy, the precision, recall, and f1 scores are significantly improved uon the dummy classifier and competitive with the other models evaluated. We also see that SVC gives slightly higher scores than LogisticRegression; however, in Table 2 we see that it takes substantially more time to train and cross validate. in addition, due to the complexity of the model we also lose a degree of model incontestability. Overall, we choose LogisticRegression over SVC due to its scalability and interpretability. The following table shows the test scores of the models:

Table 5. Model Performance and Score on Test Set.
Metric Dummy Logistic Regression Naive Bayes SVC Random Forest
Accuracy 0.782 0.658 0.710 0.679 0.787
Recall 0.000 0.313 0.341 0.327 0.662
Precision 0.000 0.475 0.351 0.444 0.055
F1 0.000 0.377 0.346 0.376 0.102

We see that on the test set SVR and LogisticRegression performs similarly as expected based on the validation scores.

Unfortunately, an f1 score of 0.377 for LogisticRegression is quite low and unlikely to be particularly useful in the broader business sense. This analysis can be used as the basis to understand what target f1, precision or recall target scores should be set for further analysis.

5 Conclusion

The analysis in this reports focuses on using a machine learning approach to predict whether the consumer is going to dispute after the company’s response. We processed the features such as the product, consumer’s complaints, and company’s responses. We trained five different models that optimized the f1 score and chose LogisticRegression as a suitable estimator for the first pass at attempting to predict whether consumers dispute their complaints. Next steps would be evaluating the impact of the chosen models performance and then deciding whether to try and refine further to improve the model.

6 References

Consumer Complaints Database. 2022. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
McKinney, Wes. 2010. Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python.” In Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference, edited by Stéfan van der Walt and Jarrod Millman, 56–61. 10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a .
Pedregosa, F., G. Varoquaux, A. Gramfort, V. Michel, B. Thirion, O. Grisel, M. Blondel, et al. 2011. “Scikit-Learn: Machine Learning in Python.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 12: 2825–30.
Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019. “Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686.