Tableau is a comprehensive data analysis platform which is widely used in both industry and academia. While Tableau is used in almost every industry it is primarily favored by tech companies in the United States. It is also quite prevalent in academia, being used by researchers, students and administrators alike, though it is more difficult to estimate its ‘market share’ in this space vs other similar tools. A few of the main reasons for Tableau’s wide-spread use are its flexibility, ease of use, ability to handle large data values and compatibility across multiple devices/platforms.
Tableau does not appear to have a single main repository. Their main github account contains 63 repositories which each range from 10 to 150 stars.
Tableau does not appear to have a single main repository. Their main github account contains 63 repositories most of which have less than 10 open issues and some with as many as 80.
There are currently 5,262 questions open in stack overflow, 1,117 of which have not been answered. source
Official community forum
Stack Overflow
Reddit Subgroup
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Founded in 2003 following a research project at Stanford University, Tableau has grown to become one of the most popular data visualization tools in the world today. Tableau offers a wide array of tools which collectively work together to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. Tableau is a powerful tool that can connect to any type of database and generates its own queries to work with huge data sets, so we can make patterns in just a few seconds, while the same would take minutes or hours with Excel. Additionally, it has an intelligent dashboard that provides a quick solution for the most commonly asked questions by users. (source: Aventis, Wikipedia)
According to Grazitti, Tableau has been the leader in the data visualization space for 6 years. With an estimated 64,000 companies using Tableau, it has approximately 16% market share (almost twice that of Microsoft’s power BI). While it has a presence in almost every major sector, Tableau’s primary client base are tech companies in the United States (source: Enlyft). Tableau’s immense popularity can also be seen in the success of the company itself, which has grown its revenues from 62 Million to 1.4 Billion in only 10 years (source: Financial Statements).
Tableau appears to be no less prevalent in academia, where it reports use by hundreds of leading institutions (source: Tableau). Tableau also appears to be attempting to grow its influence in the academic sphere by making itself freely accessible to students. This also appears to be a sound strategy for growing overall market share as graduating students take their Tableau knowledge (and preference) into industry.
Some key drivers for Tableau’s popularity in the business space are:
sources: Grazitti, Evolytics, Youtube