To increase the performance one has to act smart, and do all the redundant works before hand.
This is possible in following the basics:
1) Writing codes in piecemeal and in functions(snippets)
2) Using optimized algorithms to cure the bottlenecks
3) Using DRY principle
Doing caching when ever possible:
1) Caching the API results
2) Caching the plots
Scheduling redundant and back-end work.
Other Avenues: please refer to the section below.
How could we improve the performance of this dashboard?
The overall dashboards contains many parts(chunks), we should always focus on writing in piecemeal, and each part should be written in function. To improve the overall performance, we should find the part of of the overall dashboard that is running slow. Then we should take that part/snippet, try to find the bottleneck and if possible optimize it.
For Example: sum_value <- 0 for (i in 1:100) { sum_value <- sum_value + i ^ 2 }
sum_value <- sum((1:100) ^ 2)
There are other techniques discussed below:
The basic idea is to record the input to and output from every call to a function. When the function is called with a set of inputs it has already seen, it gives the output without recomputing, saving huge amount of time. Here we can use package like memoise
. Memoise saves the results of new invocations of functions while reusing the answers from previous invocations of those functions.
The cache can be shared across multiple users, hence only the first users need to wait for output, everyone else can use the same cache for a speedy result. There are following three function that we can use for caching:
1. cache_mem - storing cache in RAM (default)
2. cache_filesystem(path) - storing cache on the local disk
3. cache_s3(s3_bucket) - storage in the AWS S3 file database
We can use caching while pulling data through API or making humongous plots.
Caching the API results: There are times when we refer to some data and procure it from APIs. Each time Rshiny has to hit the server to procure the data, this takes a lot of time. Caching APIs saves a lot of time.
Caching plots: We can cache the plots so that the next time we load it, it will save us sometime.
Scheduling a job separately when there is not much traffic, will save a lot of time. So when we call the Rshiny, it just have to work on a pre-cleaned data. Do a lot of pre-rendered work before hand rather than calling everything in the dashboard will save a lot of computing time.
Provide an extensive list of examples of relevant apps (published or in galleries or repos). Why are they relevant and given what criteria? Do you find more apps for industry or academia?
Why are they relevant and given what criteria? Do you find more apps for industry or academia?
In the examples, either in the repos or in dashboards, we can find a lot of reference for our work, and learn from them either in optimizing the codes, or having a good interface.
The apps are used both in industries as well as in academia. Like the few link shared were of the French Electricity, French Traffic while others were from Finance & Healthcare Industry.