Performance + Examples


Improving performance of a Tableau dashboard

In general, for improving performance of dashboards using Tableau, the recommendations are as below:

We can also audit the performance of a dashboard, as in check for performance bottlenecks by running and interpreting the results of a feature provided, i.e. performance recording. This analysis can pinpoint performance issues, such as render times of a dashboard, query execution, geocoding, layout computations, etc. One of the results of this performance audit feature is a Performance Summary dashboard, which highlights the most time consuming events on our dashboard.

Examples of relevant apps/dashboards published in galleries

The Tableau website has a gallery of dashboards created by the community. This gallery has a considerable collection of dashboards created for various visualization purposes. These examples cover dashboards created for industry, academic and personal use cases. If we search for dashboards created for education using the Gapminder data, we can find many examples, highlighting the insights that can be obtained from different facets of this dataset, i.e. population growth, global health and income, GDP, pollution, etc. All these examples created by the community of Tableau users, using different visualizations, help in furthering the fundamental goal of the creation of this dataset, i.e. promoting sustainable global development by increased use of statistics.


Hara, Nicholas. “6 Tips to Increase Dashboard Performance.” Tableau, 15 January 2016, “Tableau Gallery.” Tableau Public,