Works well with Rmarkdown. Its highly recommended to use code-chunk option results='asis' to make use of the markdown syntax

  • identifies text columns if not already specified

  • prints the summary statistics of character length

  • plots the distribution of character length

  • prints the summary statistics of word count

  • plots the distribution of word count

  • plots the word cloud

  • plots a bar plot of top 10 words

  • plot a word cloud of bigrams

  • plot a bar plot of top 10 bigrams

explore_text_columns(df, text_cols = vector(mode = "character"))



dataframe: dataset


vector of text column names


a list of results and plots


Find a more detailed example here


results <- explore_text_columns(cars)
#> #> #> Could not identify any text column. Please pass the text column(s) when calling the function #>