We have created a simple prediction model to predict the size of forest fires using weather and soil moisture properties. We explore a data set from northeastern Portugal that contains spatial features, temporal features, soil moisture indices, and weather features to predict the size of wildfires within the Montesinho natural park. We create a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model using the soil moisture variables, temperature, relative humidity, wind, spatial coordinates, and season. After removing outliers using Cook’s Distance method, we optimize our model using mean absolute area (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE). Our optimized model, with \(C = 1.88\) and \(\gamma = 0.48\), produces a MAE of 8.686 and an RMSE of 28.46 on the unseen test data set, which is good for our area burned values which range from 0 to 1,090 ha.
Forest fires are a common occurrence in both British Columbia and globally. In British Columbia, unprecedented amounts of forest have burned in the recent decades, with over 1,350,000 ha burning in 2018 alone, costing the Canadian government over $615 million dollars (British Columbia 2021). Due to the complexity and variability in landscapes, fuel characteristics, climate patterns, and man-made infrastructure, it is incredibly hard to determine how large a forest fire will be, the intensity at which it will burn, and how it will move. Predicting such fire characteristics may influence how evacuation orders are determined for local communities and how resources allocation decisions are made during fire events. Our aim is to create a machine learning model that can predict how much area a particular fire will burn. While our model will be simple, it will begin to explore the interactions between climate, soil properties, and areas burned by forest fires.
For our simple prediction model, we have chosen a data set originally used in P. Cortex, A. Morais (2007), which represents forest fire areas in Montesinho natural park located in the northeastern region of Portugal. The data, sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository (Dua and Graff (2017)) (which can be found here), was collected between 2000 and 2003 leading to 517 records. It consists of two spatial features (x and y coordinates), two temporal features (month and day of the week), four soil moisture indices for different soil layers (FFMC (Fine fuel moisture code), DMC (duff moisture code), DC (drought code), and ISI (initial spread index)), and four climatic variables (temperature, rain, relative humidity, and wind). Each record in the dataset also has an associated area burned value. The burned area is highly skewed to smaller areas, with over 200 records recording no fires. Large fires occur less frequently than small fires, which explains the skewness, a phenomenon that is observed in countries globally (P. Cortex, A. Morais 2007).
The Support Vector Regression (SVR) algorithm was used to build a regression model to predict the burned areas of forest fires. The variables FFMC
, DC
, temp
, RH
, wind
, X
, Y
and season
were used to fit the model. The day
and rain
variables were dropped for the training, and the variable month
was feature engineered into the season
variable. Cook’s Distance method with a threshold of \(\frac{4}{n}\) was used to detect and remove outliers from the data set. The hyperparameters of \(C\) and \(\gamma\) were chosen using 10-fold cross-validation with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as the regression metrics. The R and Python programming languages (R Core Team 2019; Van Rossum and Drake 2009) and the following R and Python packages were used to perform the analysis: pickle (Van Rossum 2020), docopt (de Jonge 2018), knitr (Xie 2014), NumPy (Harris et al. 2020), Pandas (McKinney et al. 2010), statsmodels (Seabold and Perktold 2010), scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011), os (Van Rossum and Drake 2009), Matplotlib (Hunter 2007). The code used to perform the analysis and create this report can be found here: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/forest-fire-area-prediction-group-2.
To explore which features might be useful in predicting forest fire burn areas, we made several graphs. Figure 1 shows that no clear relationship between the burnt area of the forest and the days of the week exists. Since some months such as January, May and November have few observations making the month
variable unbalanced, we create a season
variable to help avoid overfitting. From figure 2 we see that there may be a relationship between burnt areas of forest and seasons, thus we drop the day
feature and replace the months with their respective seasons.
Figure 1. Distribution of burnt areas of the forest (sqrt transformed) per day of the week
Figure 2. Distribution of burnt areas of the forest (sqrt transformed) per season
Figure 3 plots the pairwise relationships between the numerical variables of the dataset. We can see that the majority of the numerical variables have different ranges of values for each season. In addition to showing the patterns between the numerical variables, this plot also reveals outliers in input features such as FFMC
, DC
and rain
. Since rain
has mostly values of 0, we drop this variable. To address outliers in the other variables, we use Cook’s distance for detecting outliers.
Figure 3. Pairwise relationships between the numerical variables per season
The Cook’s distance method identified 4 observations as outliers as shown in figure 4. Consequently, we removed these 4 observations from our training data.
Figure 4. Cook’s distance outlier detection
We chose to perform regression using the Support Vector Regression (SVR) algorithm. To find the best model that predicted the burned forest area, we performed 10-fold cross-validation with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as the regression metrics. We observed that the optimal \(C\) was \(1.88\) and the optimal \(\gamma\) was \(0.48\).
Table 1 shows that the models do not improve much after hyperparameter tuning. The mean train scores and the mean validation scores using both MAE and RMSE seem to be fairly close to each other.
Table 2 reveals that the model performed similarly on unseen test data when compared to the mean cross-validated validation scores when using MAE. However, the model performs slightly better on the validation sets compared to the test data when using RMSE. Furthermore, the MAE score is less than the RMSE score which is sensible as we should normally have MAE \(\leq\) RMSE. Both regression metrics express the average prediction error in the units of hectares. It is also worth noting that RMSE squares the errors before taking the average, which gives higher weights to large errors. Therefore, considering RMSE would be more useful when large errors are particularly undesirable.
Overall, we find that the model performs fairly well on the test data as our target variable area
has a range of values from \(0\) to \(1090.84\) hectares. Therefore, using both regression metrics, the errors provided in table 2 seem to be quite low in comparison to the range of values. Nonetheless, in the context of burned areas of fire, large errors are particularly undesirable, and as a result, RMSE might be more useful as it gives more weight to the observations further away from the mean – that is, being off by 20ha will be more than twice as bad as being off by 10ha. As suggested by a higher RMSE, figure 5 shows that the model is majorly underpredicting for very large fires. This could partly be because we have a small dataset, and the test data contains outliers.
Figure 5. Observed vs. predicted burnt areas (non-zero areas)
We understand that there are additional ways to improve our model and results. Since we have such skewed data it is important that we appropriately address outliers thus we can try other outlier detection methods to confirm our results found using Cook’s distance method. We can also employ feature selection algorithms or transform our predictor variables by applying log-normal, square root, or other transformations. Additionally, we can consider the interactions between the variables within our model and apply polynomial regression or consider other regression algorithms such as the random forest algorithm which is robust to outliers and non-linear data.