labzenr is a R package that adds more zen to the student experience of working on UBC Master of Data Science labs. It lets students manage common tasks such as counting total marks in an assignment, and performs common mechanics checks for iPython notebooks and R markdown assignments.

The project is a port of python labzen package written by the same authors.


You can install the released version of labzenr from Github with:



To check the mechanics of your MDS labs, navigate to the root of your MDS lab Git repository and run the following code.

#> ℹ Using lab2.Rmd
#> ✓ You included the repo link
#> ✓ Remote has the latest commit
#> Trying to authenticate 'git' using ssh-agent...
#> ✓ No unrecognized Git signatures found. To add signatures manually, use `labzenr::signature_add()`.
#> ℹ To see the list of currently registered signatures, run `labzenr::signature_ls()`.
#> ✓ Repo has at least 3 commits with users listed in `labzenr::signature_student()`

The printout shows that:

  • you have successfully included a Github repo link;
  • you have pushed the latest version to Github Enterprise; and
  • you have at least three student commits.

You can also get an overview of the number of points attainable in the lab by running:

type total prop
Non-Optional 14 0.9500000
Optional 6 0.4071429
Total 20 1.3571429

For a full introduction to all the features, please see the introductory vignette.


  • fs
  • stringi
  • usethis
  • gert
  • magrittr
  • janitor
  • dplyr
  • tibble
  • tidyr
  • jsonlite
  • stringr
  • rlang
  • purrr
  • glue
  • withr
  • readr
  • rappdirs

Code of Conduct

Please note that the labzenr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This package is authored by Sukhdeep Kaur, Kamal Moravej Jahromi, and Rafael Pilliard-Hellwig as part of an academic assignment in the UBC MDS program. For a full list of contributors, please see the contributors tab.

We warmly welcome and recognize contributions from the community at large. If you wish to participate, please review our contributing guidelines and familiarize yourself with Github Flow.