Summarize Available Points in Lab by Section

extract_points(notebook = NULL, margins = TRUE)



A character indicating the path or list of paths to MDS lab files (either.ipynb or .Rmd). If left blank, the function will recursively search for all labs in the working directory based on the file extension.


A scalar logical which indicates whether to add a row for the total number of points. Defaults to TRUE.


A dataframe indicating total optional and required number of points.


# R markdown notebook <- system.file("extdata", "dummylab.Rmd", package = "labzenr") extract_points(notebook)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 7 #> line rubric header optional pts total prop #> <int> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <list> <int> <dbl> #> 1 2 {mechanics:3} General Instructions FALSE <int [1]> 3 0.204 #> 2 2 {reasoning:5} Exercise 1: True or False? FALSE <int [1]> 5 0.339 #> 3 2 {reasoning:6} 2(a) FALSE <int [1]> 6 0.407 #> 4 3 {reasoning:3} Optional 2(b) TRUE <int [1]> 3 0.204 #> 5 3 {reasoning:3} Optional 2(c) TRUE <int [1]> 3 0.204
# Python notebook notebook <- system.file("extdata", "dummylab.ipynb", package = "labzenr") extract_points(notebook)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7 #> line rubric header optional pts total prop #> <int> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <list> <int> <dbl> #> 1 3 {mechanics:5} "Submission instructions … FALSE <int [… 5 0.250 #> 2 8 {reasoning:4} "1.1 Data Loading and Exp… FALSE <int [… 4 0.20 #> 3 11 {accuracy:3,rea… "1.2 A second exercise" FALSE <int [… 5 0.250 #> 4 14 {accuracy:6,rea… "1.3 (optional) A third e… TRUE <int [… 10 0.500 #> 5 17 {accuracy:7,rea… "1.4 Another Optional Exe… TRUE <int [… 10 0.500 #> 6 19 {viz:5} "1.5 Visualizing results" FALSE <int [… 5 0.250