Show summary statistics for the Covid19 cases in BC for the period specified by startDate and endDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
show_summary_stat(startDate, endDate)
string The start date of the period (no earlier than '2020-01-29').
string The end date of the period (no later than today).
A tibble containing summary statistics with the following columns: total_cases_count, latest_date, latest_daily_cases_count, max_date, max_daily_cases_count, min_date, min_daily_cases_count, max_age_group, max_age_group_count, min_age_group, min_age_group_count, max_region, max_region_count, min_region, min_region_count
show_summary_stat("2022-01-01", "2022-01-13")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 15
#> total_cases_count latest_date latest_daily_cases_~ max_date max_daily_cases~
#> <int> <date> <int> <date> <int>
#> 1 330638 2022-02-03 1378 2021-12-31 4078
#> # ... with 10 more variables: min_date <date>, min_daily_cases_count <int>,
#> # max_age_group <chr>, max_age_group_count <int>, min_age_group <chr>,
#> # min_age_group_count <int>, max_region <chr>, max_region_count <int>,
#> # min_region <chr>, min_region_count <int>