The goal of rgtracker is to allow UBC MDS lecturers to record, analyze and adjust grades for students in a particular program. Users can record grades from each course, generate a summary report to determine which class is more challenging than the rest, or identify students who may need help. Finally, the package can suggest ways to adjust the grades for students to ensure the average grades match predefined benchmarks. It contains six functions: register_courses, record_grades, generate_course_statistics, rank_courses,rank_students and suggest_grade_adjustment.

The main components of this package are:

  • Register courses
  • Read and store the courses information as a dataframe
  • Record grades for students
    • Read and store the students’ grades for each assessment as a dataframe
  • Generate course statistics
    • Provide grade statistics on the courses, including mean, 1st quantile, median and 3rd quantile
  • Rank courses
    • Provide the rankings of courses based on courses’ average grades
  • Rank students
    • Provide the rankings of students based on their average grades for the selected course (or the whole program).
  • Suggest grade adjustment
    • Suggest grade adjustments for any course based on predefined benchmarks

Relevance in R ecosystem

Through a search of the CRAN library of available R packages to date, we have found that there is no exact package that performs the functionality of our functions as one package together. There are existing packages that grade students papers, gradeR and returns the results of the grading for students. There is also another package called ProfessR that scales grades, plots the grades and calculates summary statistics (maximum, mean and minimum).


You can install the released version of rgtracker from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


For additional documentation and usage examples please refer to the Introduction to rgtracker vignette page and the rgtracker pkgdown page.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the rgtracker project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.