Calculate the average grade for a specified number of students and ranks them for a specific course or for the whole program completed thus far.

rank_students(df, courseid = "all", n = 4, ascending = FALSE)



A dataframe containing the final grades for each student per course.


A string representing the course ID for which the ranking should be calculated for. Defaults to "all" for all courses completed thus far.


An integer value that represents the number of students for which the ranking is required for. Defaults to 3.


A logical value indicating whether the top or bottom ranking of students is required. Defaults to FALSE.


A dataframe containing the rank of the students for the course or for all the program completed thus far.


df <- data.frame( course_id = c(rep("511", 4)), student_id = c("tom", "tiff", "mike", "joel"), grade = c(90, 80, 70, 67) ) rank_students(df = df)
#> student_id grade rank #> 1 tom 90 1 #> 2 tiff 80 2 #> 3 mike 70 3 #> 4 joel 67 4
rank_students(df = df, courseid = "511", n = 3, ascending = TRUE)
#> student_id grade rank #> 1 joel 67 4 #> 2 mike 70 3 #> 3 tiff 80 2