Create a tidy output for lm() object. The output would have n+1 rows, where n is number of features and 4 columns describing coefficient estimates, standard error, t-statistics and p-values
model | lm_description |
output data.frame
#> coef std_err t_stats p_val #> (Intercept) -3482.2586 890.4204 -3.9108 0.0036 #> GNP.deflator 0.0151 0.0849 0.1774 0.8631 #> GNP -0.0358 0.0335 -1.0695 0.3127 #> Unemployed -0.0202 0.0049 -4.1364 0.0025 #> Armed.Forces -0.0103 0.0021 -4.8220 0.0009 #> Population -0.0511 0.2261 -0.2261 0.8262 #> Year 1.8292 0.4555 4.0159 0.0030