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The goal of tweetRpoll is to allows users to extract and visualize poll data (poll questions, poll options, poll responses, etc.) from Twitter. Our goal is to make tweetRpoll helpful and user-friendly; any R beginner can effectively gain access to the data and make their own data-driven decisions. In particular, it could be a useful package for people doing social media journalism, or those studying social media interactions.


  • get_polls_from_user:
    • This function returns a list of tweet IDs from a Twitter user which can be fed into the get_poll_by_id function.
  • get_poll_by_id:
    • This function extracts poll data from Twitter given the tweet ID.
  • visualize_poll:
    • This function takes in the output of get_poll_by_id function and visualizes the poll information.

There are a few existing R packages that have similar functionality for tweets from Twitter. For example, tweetr is a package that helps extract tweets, visualize user sentiment and behaviors on tweet posting, and apply sentiment analysis to the data. However, there are no available packages that work specifically on polls from Twitter.


You can install the released version of tweetRpoll from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


  • Wenxin Xiang
  • Rada Rudyak
  • Linh Giang Nguyen


Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


tweetRpoll was created by Wenxin Xiang, Rada Rudyak, Linh Giang Nguyen. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.