
Brief Introduction

CryptocurrencyEDAr is used for simple exploratory data analysis of historical cryptocurrency prices and performance.There are four functions that are included in this R package which are described in more detail below. Cryptocurrency investors and enthusiasts can use this package to analyze cryptocurrencies of interest.


Data is sourced from the KuCoin API.

Function Demonstration

Retrieve Data and Store it as a dataframe

This function downloads historical data using an an http request from a cryptocurrency exchange. It returns a data frame with cryptocurrency symbol, time frame, and closing price.

price_df <- retrieve_data("BTC-USDT", "1day", "2021-01-01", "2021-12-31")

Data overview

We can take a look at the head of the data frame.

#>     Symbol       Date   Close
#> 1 BTC-USDT 2021-12-30 46216.4
#> 2 BTC-USDT 2021-12-29 47122.4
#> 3 BTC-USDT 2021-12-28 46466.4
#> 4 BTC-USDT 2021-12-27 47543.8
#> 5 BTC-USDT 2021-12-26 50715.7
#> 6 BTC-USDT 2021-12-25 50771.5

Plot the price data

We can plot the price data using the data frame we just retrieved.

plot_price(df = price_df)

Calculate daily growth rate

This function performs calculation of daily growth rate of the price of the cryptocurrency inputted over a period of time. We store the result as a variable for the purpose of viewing the data.

new_price_df <- daily_growth_rate(price_df, "Close")
#>     Symbol       Date   Close daily_growth_rate
#> 1 BTC-USDT 2021-12-30 46216.4                NA
#> 2 BTC-USDT 2021-12-29 47122.4         1.9603431
#> 3 BTC-USDT 2021-12-28 46466.4        -1.3921192
#> 4 BTC-USDT 2021-12-27 47543.8         2.3186647
#> 5 BTC-USDT 2021-12-26 50715.7         6.6715324
#> 6 BTC-USDT 2021-12-25 50771.5         0.1100251

Calculate average daily return

#> [1] -38.65289