This package is designed to demonstrate how basic features of text analysis can be utilized to analyze and represent a text file or string while applying a humorous lens (because what is data science without a dash of humor!).

This document introduced you to Ranimalsgonewild basic set of tools, and shows you how to apply them to textual data.


Brief introduction:

  • animalClassifier: Determine an animal name based on the input text characters

  • animalType: Output an image of the type of the animal based on the text and species

  • textTransformer: Modify original text input with random animal name

  • wordCloud: Create word cloud based on total word counts


To use Ranimalsgonewild package in a project:


Identidy animal names with animalClassifier()

animalClassifier needs single text input (characters data type)

text <- "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
#> [1] "Whale"

Ouput animal image with animalType()

animalType needs two inputs which are the animal name from animalClassifier and the same text input.

Modify the text with textTransformer()

textTransformer takes in a text input and modifies it with random animal name

text <- "print this line of text"
#> [1] "elephant this line of text"

Ouput animal image with wordCloud()

wordCloud create the image based on a web link which contains textual data
