The goal of Rstockwatch package is to provide a very simple interface for checking movements in stock prices in comparison to the market. This is implemented by accessing public data from Yahoo Finance by selecting a ticker of the stock, range of start and end dates and benchmark for comparison, such as SP500 or NASDAQ. As a result of data processing with Rstockwatch package, user will be able to see a plot with two lines showing percentage change since the start date and volumes of trading.
This package is built with following four functions:
- percent_change
Calculation of profit percentage change of a stock for a given period of time based on data extracted from Yahoo finance.
- profit_viz
Visualization of profit percentage change trend of a stock against market benchmark for a given period of time. Note that during weekends and public holidays, stock market has no data available, this is handled in plotting as well
- volume_change
Calculation of daily trading volume change of a stock, whether it is increasing or decreasing. This data is used in next function for color mapping of bar plot.
- volume_viz
Visualization of trading volume as bar plots colored by changes in volume in comparison with previous day. This plot is overlayed with line plots created with the second function. . Note that during weekends and public holidays, stock market has no data available, this is handled in plotting as well
Comparison with similar packages in R Ecosystem
There are many packages written for analysis of stock data. One of relevant R package in this category is quantmod, which allows a lot of manipulations with time series data, such as creating moving averages or calculating other parameters for technical analysis. Power of Rstockwatch
is in its simplicity, so users are not overwhelmed with all extra features and just have a simple view with key comparisons for a stock of interest
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Usage and Example
After the successful installation of this package user are recommend to restart the R session to update any dependencies packages. The functions in this package require input four parameters: stock_ticker
, start_date
, end_date
and benchmark_ticker
. Output results are in form of an plot based on “ggplot” package.
Import the functions from package with following commands:
A more detailed information about our package can found seen on the vignette here
- Affrin Sultana
- Helin Wang
- Pavel Levchenko
- Shi Yan Wang
We welcome and recognize all contributions. Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.