#> Loading required package: spotifyr
#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: rlang
This package uses wrapper functions from the Spotify API and
and combines them to give Spotify users more
insight about their listening habits. It has four main functions: 1.
Getting the most recent song releases by continent 2. Getting the user’s
top genres 3. Getting the user’s playlists and tracks 4. Getting new
song recommendations based on the user’s top artists
Initial Setup
In order to use the SpotifyAssistantR
package, the user
must have a Spotify account, as well as a Spotify Developer Account. Click here to
create a Spotify Developer account.
Client ID and Secret
Once the developer account has been made, log in and go to the user
. Click on the green CREATE AN APP
button and name the new app. Once the app has been created, the user
will be immediately redirected to the app overview page. On this page,
directly under the name of the app, there are some pieces of
information. Note down the Client ID
. This is one of the
two credentials necessary for using the functions in this package. The
Client ID
should be set as a System Environment variable,
as in the following:
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
. Note down
Client Secret
. This is the other credential necessary for
using the functions in this package. It should also be set as a System
Environment variable, as in the following:
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Please note that these two credentials should be confidential, and they are unique to the app.
Getting New Releases by Continent
The following function will return one album from the Americas (i.e. North and South America).
get_new_releases_by_continent(continent = 'Americas', limit = 1)
# -- Loading new releases in Americas , this may take a while...
# [1] "Wet Leg"
Other continents that can be specified are: ‘Asia’, ‘Europe’,
‘Oceania’, and ‘Africa’. The number of albums to be returned can also be
increased by increasing the limit
Getting User Top Genres
The following function will return the user’s top genres based on their listening trends and among the tracks in “Your Music” library.
# [1] "rap" "pop" "hip hop" "pop rap" "trap"
Getting User Playlists and Tracks
The following function will return the all user’s saved playlists and tracks:
Playlists can also be specified using the playlist_names
argument, like this:
# for one playlist
get_playlists_songs(playlist_names = 'bops')
# [1] "Getting songs for bops"
# $bops
# [1] "hot girl bummer"
# [2] "Salt"
# [3] "Don't Start Now"
# for more than one playlist
get_playlists_songs(playlist_names = c('bops', 'night drives'))
# [1] "Getting songs for night drives"
# [1] "Getting songs for bops"
# $`night drives`
# [1] "Sunset (2019 Y.Nakamura Remastering)"
# [2] "Plastic Love"
# $bops
# [1] "hot girl bummer"
# [2] "Salt"
# [3] "Don't Start Now"
Getting User Song Recommendations
The following function will create a new playlist on Spotify,
containing recommended songs for the user based on the user’s top
artists. It is possible to specify a name for the new playlist using the
argument. If this is left blank, the playlist
will simply be named “Recommended Songs” followed by the current date.
The user can also specify the number of songs to return in the playlist
using the num_songs
argument. The default is 10 songs.
# [1] "Generating recommended songs based on artists ..."
# [1] "Here is a link to the new playlist:"