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Function to create class object similar to sci-kit learn's object structure for inferential purposes. Given a data frame, the response, and certain specifications return a generalized regression model interface for count data (either using a poisson or a negative binomial distribution) with a fit, predict, and score functions as well as attributes obtained from the statistical analysis.


Function to create summary statistics and basic EDA plots. Given a data frame, this function outputs general exploratory analysis plots as well as basic statistics summarizing trends in the features of the input data.


Function that builds an arid_linreg class model object that provides sklearn linear regression interface functionality and attributes. The arid_linreg function instantiates a linear regression model type based on the input specifications and provides methods to fit/predict/score the results and retrieve the calculated sklearn coefficients.


Given a matrix X of explanatory variables, a response y numeric variable, this function fits either a 'binomial' or 'multinomial' logistic regression model and returns a class object similar to sci-kit learn's object