, a ggplot
graph is given based on forcasted
BMI trajectory for the target timeframe.project_bmi.Rd
Compute average BMI change per week based on current weight, height, age,
and target BMI. The average BMI increase or decrease each week is computed.
If return_graph
, a ggplot
graph is given based on forcasted
BMI trajectory for the target timeframe.
project_bmi(weight, height, target_bmi, number_of_days, return_graph = FALSE)
A positive numeric value of body weight value in kilograms.
A positive numeric value of height value in meters.
A positive numeric value of target BMI
A postive integer of number of days to achieve target
TRUE or FALSE on whether to return a graphical visualization instead of a bmi value.
A numeric number of body mass index value.
project_bmi(weight=108, height=1.88, target_bmi = 28, number_of_days=60, return_graph=FALSE)
#> [1] -0.3
#> [1] -0.3