This package is designed to provide key metrics regarding COVID-19 situation in Canada at province level using the data from OpenCovid API.
The canadacovidmetricsR
package helps obtain national or provincial level information on covid cases for a specific time period. There are 4 functions which will return key metrics, including total cumulative cases, total cumulative deaths, total cumulative recovered cases and total cumulative vaccine completion. This data is returned as an R Dataframe which can be used directly for further analysis, plotting or applying statistical models.
Query total cumulative cases with ability to specify province and date range of returned data.
Example usage:
get_cases(loc = "BC", date = "2021-03-31")
#> cases cumulative_cases date province
#> 1 1013 100048 2020-03-31 BC
Query total cumulative deaths with ability to specify province and date range of returned data.
Example usage:
get_deaths(loc = "BC", date = "2021-03-31")
#> cumulative_deaths date deaths province
#> 1 1458 2020-03-31 3 BC
Query total cumulative recovered cases with ability to specify province and date range of returned data.
Example usage:
get_recoveries(loc = "BC", date = "2021-03-31")
#> cumulative_recovered date province recovered
#> 1 91066 2020-03-31 BC 665
Query total cumulative vaccine completion with ability to specify province and date range of returned data.
Example usage:
get_vaccinations(loc = "BC", date = "2021-03-31")
#> cumulative_cvaccine cvaccine date province
#> 1 87351 32 2020-03-31 BC