Downloads and cleans the data of all stations available at

get_stations_info(country_id = "all")



character, optional




get_stations_info(country_id = "US")
#> # A tibble: 7,158 x 11 #> usaf wban station_name country state call latitude longitude elevation #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 621010 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +50.600 -002.933 -0999.0 #> 2 621110 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +58.900 -000.200 -0999.0 #> 3 621130 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +58.400 +000.300 -0999.0 #> 4 621160 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +58.100 +001.800 -0999.0 #> 5 621170 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +57.900 +000.100 -0999.0 #> 6 621220 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +56.500 +002.017 -0999.0 #> 7 621250 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +53.800 -003.800 -0999.0 #> 8 621260 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +53.800 -003.600 -0999.0 #> 9 621300 99999 MOORED BUOY US NA NA +53.000 +001.700 -0999.0 #> 10 621370 99999 PLATFORM NO. 6… US NA NA +57.350 +001.467 +0000.0 #> # … with 7,148 more rows, and 2 more variables: start <dttm>, end <dttm>