Virtual environments

Learning outcomes

  1. Understand what is a computational environment and how can ensure the reproducibility of a project
  2. Differenciate Python, Anaconda, MiniConda, Conda and pip
  3. Manage packages and environments in Python using Conda
  4. Manage packages and environments in R using renv

Platform in focus Conda

Lecture 7 Activity 1

Try to run this code. What do you think it is going on?

from palmerpenguins import load_penguins
penguins = load_penguins()

Virtual environments

Virtual environments let’s you have multiple versions of packages and programs on the same computer without them creating conflicts with each other. You will be using virtual Python and R environments throughout the program to setup your packages for different courses.

Which of the following items is NOT a benefit of using Conda environments?

A. Increase code performance
B. Helping with reproducibility
C. Using different versions of the same package
D. Creating isolated computational environment for testing new packages


conda is an open source package and environment management system for any programming language; though it is the most popular in the python community. Anaconda is a data science platform for Python that comes with a lot of packages by default. Unlike Anaconda, Miniconda doesn’t come with any installed packages by default, and we can pick and choose which ones we want. Both include Python and conda.

For example, the MDS Python installation instructions had you install Miniconda. All flavors of *conda give you the conda function in the terminal.

Managing Conda

Let’s first start by checking if conda is installed.

conda --version
which conda

To see which conda commands are available, type conda --help. To see the full documentation for any command of these commands, type the command followed by --help. For example, to learn about the conda update command:

conda update --help

Let’s update our conda to the latest version. Note that you might already have the latest version since we downloaded it recently.

conda update conda

You will see some information about what there is to update and be asked if you want to confirm. The default choice is indicated with [], and you can press Enter to accept it. It would look similar to this:

Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ....
.Solving package specifications: .........

Package plan for installation in environment //anaconda:

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    conda-env-2.6.0            |                0          601 B
    ruamel_yaml-0.11.14        |           py27_0         184 KB
    conda-4.2.12               |           py27_0         376 KB
                                           Total:         560 KB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    ruamel_yaml: 0.11.14-py27_0

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    conda:       4.0.7-py27_0 --> 4.2.12-py27_0
    conda-env:   2.4.5-py27_0 --> 2.6.0-0
    python:      2.7.11-0     --> 2.7.12-1
    sqlite:      3.9.2-0      --> 3.13.0-0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Fetching packages ...
conda-env-2.6. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 360.78 kB/s
ruamel_yaml-0. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00   5.53 MB/s
conda-4.2.12-p 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00   5.84 MB/s
Extracting packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|###################################################| 100%
Unlinking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|###################################################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|###################################################| 100%

In this case, conda itself needed to be updated, and along with this update some dependencies also needed to be updated. There is also a NEW package that was INSTALLED in order to update conda. You don’t need to worry about remembering to update conda, it will let you know if it is out of date when you are installing new packages.

Managing Environments

What is a conda environment and why is it so useful?

Using conda, you can create an isolated python environment for your project. An environment is a set of packages that can be used in one or multiple projects. There are several major benefits of using environments:

  • You can guarantee that someone else can reproduce your project by specifying which package versions your used and making it easy for others to install the same versions.
  • If two of your projects relies on different versions of the same package, you can install these in different environments.
  • If you want to play around with a new package, you don’t have to change the packages you use for your data analysis and risk messing something up.
  • When you develop your own packages, it is essential to use environments, since you want to to make sure you know exactly which packages yours depend on, so that it runs on other systems than your own.

The default environment is the base environment, which contains only the essential packages from Miniconda (assuming you installed Miniconda). You can see that your shell’s prompt string is prefaced with (base) when you are inside this environment. In the setup guide, we gave your instructions for how to activate this environment by default every time you open Bash. There are two ways of creating a conda environment.

  1. Manual specifications of packages.
  2. An environment file in YAML format (environment.yaml).

Creating environment by manually specifying packages

We can create test_env conda environment by typing conda -n <name-of-env>. However, it is often useful to specify more than just the name of the environment, e.g. the channel from which to install packages, the Python version, and a list of packages to install into the new env. In the example below, I am creating the test_env environment that uses python 3.7 and a list of libraries: jupyterlab and pandas. I am explicitely installing my packages from the conda-forge repository (also part of the MDS setup instructions).

conda create -n test_env -c conda-forge python=3.7 jupyterlab pandas=1.0.2

conda will solve any dependencies between the packages like before and create a new environment with those packages. Usually, we don’t need to specify the channel, but in this case I want to get the very latest version of these packages, and they are made available in conda-forge before they reach the default conda channel.

To activate this new environment, you can type conda activate test_env (and conda deactivate for deactivating). Since you will do this often, we created an alias shortcut ca that you can use to activate environments. To know the current environment that you’re in you can look at the prefix of the prompt string in your shell which now changed to (test_env). And to see all your environments, you can type conda env list.

Removing enviornments

If you are creating environments for practice, or you want to recreate an environment you can delete your conda enviornments by:

# look for all the installed enviornments
conda env list
# delete an enviornment
conda remove --name ENV_NAME --all

Similiarly, all your enviornments are installed within your miniconda3 folder, which is typically located in ~/miniconda3 In here you will see an env folder. If you delete the folder with the corresponging enviornment name (e.g., with rm) you can also delete an enviornment this way too.

Sharing Environments with others

To share an environment, you can export your conda environment to an environment file, which will list each package and its version in the format package=version=build.

Exporting your environment to a file called environment.yaml (it could be called anything, but this is the conventional name and using it makes it easy for others to recognize that this is a conda env file, the extension can be either .yaml or .yml):

conda env export -f environment.yaml

Remember that .yaml files are plain text, so you can use a text editor such as VS Code to open them. If you do, you will realize that this environment file has A LOT more packages than jupyterlab and pandas. This is because the default behavior is to also list the dependencies that were installed together with these packages, e.g. numpy. This is good in the sense that it gives an exact copy of everything in your environment.

However, some dependencies might differ between operating systems, so this file might not work with someone from a different OS. To remedy this, you can append the --from-history flag, which look at the history of the packages you explicitly told conda to install and only list those in the export. The required dependencies will then be handled in an OS-specific manner during the installation, which guarantees that they will work across OSes. This environment.yaml file would be much shorter and look something like this:

name: test_env
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - conda
  - python=3.7
  - pandas==1.0.2
  - jupyterlab

Importantly, this will not include the package version unless you included it when you installed with the package==version syntax. For an environment to be reproducible, you NEED to add the version string manually.


Creating environment from an environment file

Now, let’s install environment.yaml environment file above so that we can create a conda environment called test_env.

$ conda env create --file environment.yaml

Copying an environment

We can make an exact copy of an environment to an environment with a different name. This maybe useful for any testing versus live environments or different Python 2.7 versions for the same packages. In this example, test_env is cloned to create live_env.

conda create --name live_env --clone test_env

Deleting an environment

Since we are only testing out our environment, we will delete live_env to remove some clutter. Make sure that you are not currently using live_env.

conda env remove -n live_env

Making environments work well with JupyterLab

In brief, you need to install the ipykernel package in any new environment your create, and the nb_conda_kernels package needs to be installed in the environment where JupyterLab is installed.

By default, JupyterLab only sees the conda environment where it is installed. Since it is quite annoying to install JupyterLab and its extensions separately in each environment, there is a package called nb_conda_kernels that makes it possible to have a single installation of JupyterLab access kernels in other conda environments. This package needs to be installed in the conda environment where JupyterLab is installed.

Lastly, you also need to install a kernel in the new conda environment so that it can be detected by nb_conda_kernels. This kernel can be installed via the package ipykernel for Python and the r-irkernel package for R (more info in the nb_conda_kernels README).

Managing Packages

Seeing what packages are available

We will now check packages that are available to us. The command below will list all the packages in an environment, in this case test_env. The list will include versions of each package, the specific build, and the channel that the package was downloaded from. conda list is also useful to ensure that you have installed the packages that you desire.

conda list
# packages in environment at //miniconda/envs/test_env:
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
blas                      1.1                    openblas    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2016.9.26                     0    conda-forge
certifi                   2016.9.26                py27_0    conda-forge
cycler                    0.10.0                   py27_0    conda-forge
freetype                  2.6.3                         1    conda-forge
functools32                       py27_1    conda-forge
libgfortran               3.0.0                         0    conda-forge

Searching for a certain package

Some packages might not be available in conda, but are available in pypi. For example, we will search for rasterio within the anaconda cloud. It is not necessary to create an account with anaconda cloud, unless you’d like to contribute in the future when you are pro with conda.

In this example, we will use rasterio from conda-forge. The anaconda cloud page for rasterio will show how to install the package, compatible OS, individual files for that package, etc.

With conda you can do this search within the command line:

conda search rasterio
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Run 'anaconda show <USER/PACKAGE>' to get more details:
     Name                      |  Version | Package Types   | Platforms
     ------------------------- |   ------ | --------------- | ---------------
     IOOS/rasterio             |    1.0a2 | conda           | linux-64, win-32, win-64, osx-64
     Terradue/rasterio         |   0.32.0 | conda           | linux-64
                                          : Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy
     anaconda/rasterio         |   0.36.0 | conda           | linux-64, win-32, win-64, linux-32, osx-64
     conda-forge/rasterio      |    1.0a2 | conda           | linux-64, win-32, win-64, osx-64
                                          : Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
     dharhas/rasterio          |   0.23.0 | conda           | win-64
                                          : Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets.
     erdc/rasterio             |   0.23.0 | conda           | win-64
                                          : Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets.
     jesserobertson/rasterio   |   0.23.0 | conda           | linux-64, linux-32, osx-64
     jhamman/rasterio_to_xarray | 2016.03.16-1558 | ipynb           |
                                          : IPython notebook
     krisvanneste/rasterio     |   0.26.0 | conda           | win-64
     ocefpaf/rasterio          |   0.19.1 | conda           | linux-64, osx-64
     omgarcia/rasterio         |   0.25.0 | conda           | linux-64
     pypi/rasterio             |   0.13.2 | pypi            |
                                          : Fast and direct raster I/O for Python programmers who use Numpy
     robintw/rasterio          |   0.35.1 | conda           | osx-64
                                          : Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
     sgillies/rasterio         |     0.15 | conda           | osx-64
     ztessler/rasterio         |   0.31.0 | conda           | osx-64
                                          : Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy
Found 15 packages

Installing conda package

Under the name column of the result in the terminal or the package column in the Anaconda Cloud listing, shows the necessary information to install the package. e.g. conda-forge/rasterio. The first word list the channel that this package is from and the second part shows the name of the package.

To install the latest version available within the channel, do not specify in the install command. We will install version 0.35 of rasterio from conda-forge into test_env in this example. Conda will also automatically install the dependencies for this package.

conda install -c conda-forge rasterio=0.35

If you have a few trusted channels that you prefer to use, you can pre-configure these so that everytime you are creating an environment, you won’t need to explicitly declare the channel.

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Removing a conda Package

We decided that rasterio is not needed in this tutorial, so we will remove it from test_env. Note that this will remove the main package rasterio and its dependencies (unless a dependency was installed explicitly at an earlier point in time or is required be another package).

conda remove -n test_env rasterio
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata .........
Solving package specifications: ..........

Package plan for package removal in environment //anaconda/envs/test_env:

The following packages will be REMOVED:

    rasterio: 0.35.1-np111py27_1 conda-forge

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Unlinking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|#######################################################################################################| 100%

Select all the correct answers

Which of the following sentences are true about Conda?

A. It is a command line tool
B. It is a package manager
C. It is a Python package
D. It is installed as part of Anaconda and Miniconda
E. It is a metapackage
F. It installs Python
G. Using it you can handle Python packages only

R environments

In R, environments are managed by renv, which works with similar principles as conda, and other virtual environment managers, but the commands are different. To see which commands are used in renv, you can visit the project website. Briefly, renv::init() is used to create a new env, renv::snapshot is used to save/export the environment to a file (renv.lock), and installing and removing packages are done as usual via the install.packages() and remove.packages() commands.


The conda virtual environment section of this guide was originally published at under a CC-BY license and has been updated to reflect recent changes in conda, as well as modified slightly to fit the MDS lecture format.

R Markdown repetition and a few tips

Let’s start with creating an r project again. To use this with an existing git repo, with can select “Existing dir”. You can also create an empty one and move your git repo in here later, as long as there is an .git folder RStudio will show you the context menu for git.

Next, let’s create an R Notebook. We could have a create an R Markdown document also, but the notebook offers a few conveniences. Mostly that it has a preview option html_notebook that renders the notebook to HTML in its curent state. In contrast, knitting the notebook to HTML via html_document will run all cells so this takes longer.

Note that it is important to knit to HTML before sharing so that you are sure everything works from scratch. This is the same reason we should do “Run all” in Jupyter Lab before sharing and why we don’t want to store our R workspace sessions. We need to make sure that someone new can run this from it’s current state. Another useful tool for this in R is to use devtools::session_info() at the top or bottom of your document (I put it at the end of the chunk where I load libraries) to ensure that you have included information about the versions of the packages you are running so that someone else can use the same version. There are more robust ways of version control that we will get into later in MDS, but this is a good minimum measure that is easy for you to get into the habit of doing.

A couple of features that are good to know in addition to those we learnt last time, are block commenting and automatic code reformatting. If I type a few lines where I for example forget to add whitespace around an operator or assignment, going to Code -> Reformat code ( Ctrl + Shift + A on Windows/Linux or + Shift + A on a Mac ) will fix this automatically for all highlighted lines. If I want to toogle commenting for some lines, I can click Code -> Comment/Uncomment line ( Ctrl + Shift + C on Windows/Linux or + Shift + C on a Mac ), instead of manually adding # in front of each line.

One final tip is the use of the here package for file paths. We have already solved the part of setting working directory by creating an R proj. If you only plant on using R Markdown file, you would be fine writing relative paths (e.g. ../data/cars.csv) the same way you would write them in Python because they look relative their own location. However, if you also need to run something from a script or the console, note that the working directory path will now be used as the current directory, rather than the directoy of the script so the same relative path will not work (you would need data/cars.csv instead). here solves this by allowing you to type here::here('data', 'cars.csv') from wherever you are which also makes sure that file paths work across operating systems (more info on here here.

R Markdown YAML header

The YAML header (also called the “front matter”) is where we can specify metadata about our project. It is delimited by two --- (three hyphens) and we create a new notebook, it looks like this:

title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook

In YAML, data is stored as a key: value pair, just like a Python dictionary. We can add new values, for example the author name and the date.

title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook
author: Joel Ostblom
date: 2020-09-23

R code can be evaluated inside the YAML header, so if we wanted the date to be updated every time we stitch the document, we could instead write date: `r Sys.Date()`. Other useful options include the ones for numbering headings, adding a table of contents, and placing the table of contents on the side of the document. Since these are options to the output document, they are indented under that section with two or four spaces:

    toc: yes
    toc_float: yes
    number_sections: yes

Another useful option is to fold away your code, but still having it available for view if someone desires to see it.

    code_folding: hide


The conda virtual environment section of this guide was originally published at under a CC-BY license and has been updated to reflect recent changes in conda, as well as modified slightly to fit the MDS lecture format.