Team project reflection

You can acces an editable version of this file here.

The purpose of this individual report is to give you an avenue to present your viewpoint as to how the project went, how the group worked together, and your role in the group. Each group member must complete this form to report on the contributions of yourself and the other group members. That information can be used to adjust final grades of individuals, if needed. This is a private report, meaning that none of your classmates will see your submission.

For each of the sections below, evaluate each member of your group by writing the number that best reflects the extent to which they participated, prepared, helped the group excel, and was a team player. Use the following ratings:




Usually (over 90% of the time)


Frequently (more often than not)


Sometimes (less than half the time)


Rarely (never or once in a great while)

1. Preparation

  • Prepared for group meetings and presentations

  • Spent time becoming familiar with the material relevant for the project

  • Understands the project’s goal and expectations

  • Does what they say they will do on time

  • Attends and is on time to group meetings and presentations

Group member name

Preparation rating

2. Participation & communication

  • Articulates ideas effectively when speaking or writing

  • Work is without grammatical errors

  • Listens to others

  • Encourages others to talk

Group member name

Participation & communication rating

3. Helps group excel

  • Expresses great interest in group success by evaluating ideas and suggestions

  • Initiates problem solving

  • Influences and encourages others to set up high standards

  • Doesn’t accept just any idea but looks for the best ideas

  • Stays motivated from beginning to end of project

Group member name

Helps group excel rating

4. Team player (cooperation)

  • Knows when to be a leader and a follower

  • Keeps an open mind

  • Compromises when appropriate

  • Can take criticism

  • Respects others

Group member name

Team player (cooperation) rating

Below, briefly describe the specific contributions each team member made to your project (including yourself). Point form is fine. Specifically, comment on the following areas:

  • How the team worked together as a whole, including:

    • What was your role in the group? That is, what sort of things did you do to contribute to the evolution of the project?

    • What were the roles of others in your group?

  • What went well and poorly throughout the team project experience?

Submission instructions

  • Fill out this form (editable version of the form available here) and convert it to an .html document. Finally submit it to Canvas.