A Linear Algebra Review

For this brief linear algebra review, we’ll set up a Python workspace:

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn, rand, seed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

A.1 Review of vectors and linear algebra

A.1.1 Vectors

  • A vector is a container that holds multiple numbers
  • It’s written as

\[x = \begin{pmatrix}x_1\\x_2\\ \vdots \\ x_d \end{pmatrix}\]

  • For example, \(x = \begin{pmatrix}2\\-1 \\ 5.5 \end{pmatrix}\) is a 3-dimensional vector because it has 3 elements
  • This is like the math equivalent of a list or array in R/Python, but the values will be numerical
  • To say \(x\) is a \(d\)-dimensional vector, we can write \(x\in \mathbb{R}^d\).
  • You can think of a vector as a point in \(d\)-dimensional space.
d = 5
x, y = randn(d),randn(d)
## (-2, 2)
## (-2, 2)

Each of these 5 points is a 2D vector. They are:

for i in range(d):
    print("Vector number %d is (%.2f,%.2f)" % (i+1, x[i], y[i]))
## Vector number 1 is (1.69,0.00)
## Vector number 2 is (-0.47,-0.00)
## Vector number 3 is (0.03,-1.75)
## Vector number 4 is (0.41,1.02)
## Vector number 5 is (-0.79,0.60)

We can also draw them as arrows:

plt.quiver(0*x,0*y,x,y,angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1);
## (-2, 2)
## (-2, 2)

A.1.2 Matrices

  • A matrix is a 2D container that holds numbers
  • Here is where the confusion starts… the word dimension has 2 meanings (not my fault!)
  • We refer to the length of a vector as its dimension, because we think of it as a point in \(d\)-dimensional space
  • But in terms of being a container holding numbers, it’s a 1-dimensional contained regardless of its length
  • Make sure you understand this! (and see below)
x = randn(5)
## array([-0.62542897, -0.17154826,  0.50529937, -0.26135642, -0.24274908])
## -0.62542897396675967

Above: we call this a 5-dimensional vector because it’s a point in 5-dimensional space

## (5,)

But it’s also 1-dimensional

## 1

It would be less confusing to call it a “vector of length 5” rather than “a vector of dimension 5” but this is how the world is, and you need to be aware & able to handle it.

x = randn(3,3)
## array([[-1.45324141,  0.55458031,  0.12388091],
##        [ 0.27445992, -1.52652453,  1.65069969],
##        [ 0.15433554, -0.38713994,  2.02907222]])
## -0.38713994328638812
## (3, 3)
## 2
y = randn(2,3,4)
## -0.04538602986064609
## 24

Matrices do not have to be “square”, e.g.

x = rand(3,5)
## array([[ 0.41488598,  0.00142688,  0.09226235,  0.70939439,  0.5243456 ],
##        [ 0.69616046,  0.95546832,  0.68291385,  0.05312869,  0.30885268],
##        [ 0.59259469,  0.23512041,  0.964971  ,  0.94504822,  0.84840088]])
## (3, 5)
## 2

We will only deal with 1D containers (vectors) and 2D containers (matrices). We don’t touch 3D (or higher) containers; FYI these are called tensors. However, we’ll deal with vectors and matrices of various sizes!

Assumed knowledge:

  • Matrix/vector addition/subtraction
  • Matrix/vector multiplication
  • (ideally) Inverse of a matrix
  • (ideally) Some geometric intuition about linear algebra

A.2 Random vectors

  • In addition to a vector containing numbers, you can also have a vector containing random variables.
  • This is called a random vector.
  • I will probably slip and sometimes refer to it as a multidimensional random variable.
  • According to Vincenzo (PhD in statistics), this isn’t formally right.
  • In my life, it has served me fine.
  • This is convenient for representing systems with many RVs, so we don’t need to write \(X,Y,Z,A,B,C,\ldots\)
  • We can just write \(X\) as a \(d\)-dimensional vector, and its elements are the random variables