Introduction to CovidTrackerR

CovidTrackerR is a R package for basic data cleaning, wrangling and plotting of Covid tracking data in Canada. The package will allow you to pull data from the API, visualize Covid related trends as a timeseries or a map, and calculate summary statistics of the Covid data.


To use this package, follow the installation guide on README and install this package. Then, import the package.

#> Loading required package: tidyverse
#> -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 --
#> v ggplot2 3.3.5     v purrr   0.3.4
#> v tibble  3.1.4     v dplyr   1.0.7
#> v tidyr   1.1.3     v stringr 1.4.0
#> v readr   2.0.2     v forcats 0.5.1
#> -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
#> x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()


Retrieve data using get_covid_data:

  • This function acquires Canada Covid data of a specified type and for an optionally provided date and province
  • If no arguments are given, the default is that the function will return cases data for all provinces and all dates.
  • An example of when provinces and dates are provided and omitted are shown below.
covid_data_spec <- get_covid_data('active', 'BC', '13-01-2021')
#>   active_cases active_cases_change cumulative_cases cumulative_deaths
#> 1         6148                -242            59072              1031
#>   cumulative_recovered date_active province
#> 1                51893  13-01-2021       BC
covid_data <- get_covid_data()
#>   cases cumulative_cases date_report province
#> 1     0                0  25-01-2020  Alberta
#> 2     0                0  26-01-2020  Alberta
#> 3     0                0  27-01-2020  Alberta
#> 4     0                0  28-01-2020  Alberta
#> 5     0                0  29-01-2020  Alberta
#> 6     0                0  30-01-2020  Alberta

Geographical visualization with plot_geographical:

  • This function creates and plots a cloropleth map of the specified Covid tracking metric per province
covid_df <- CovidTrackerR::get_covid_data()
plot_geographical(covid_df, cases)
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'geojsonsf':
#>   method        from   
#>   print.geojson geojson
#> Warning: Using `as.character()` on a quosure is deprecated as of rlang 0.3.0.
#> Please use `as_label()` or `as_name()` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once per session.

Time series visualization with plot_timeseries:

  • This function creates a plot of a specified covid metric over time.
  • Start and end dates can be optionally specified by user, if dates are not provided, function will create a plot over all dates in dataframe.

Calculate statistical summaries with calculate_stat_summary:

  • This function provides summary information about a specified Covid metric in each province of Canada. It returns a dataframe containing statistical summaries such as the min, max, mean, and quartiles.
covid_df <- get_covid_data()
#>         province start_date   end_date count      sd min   max mean quantile_25
#> 1        Alberta 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737 1349.10   0 17577  661          18
#> 2             BC 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  807.77   0  9332  434           0
#> 3       Manitoba 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  436.47   0  7083  161           1
#> 4  New Brunswick 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  137.24  -2  2548   38           0
#> 5             NL 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  129.75   0  1873   22           0
#> 6    Nova Scotia 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  157.65  -1  1184   51           0
#> 7        Nunavut 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737   10.14   0   140    2           0
#> 8            NWT 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737   31.58  -4   314    7           0
#> 9        Ontario 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737 2901.28   0 35287 1409         202
#> 10           PEI 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737   46.69   0   407   10           0
#> 11        Quebec 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737 2329.72 -90 17122 1166         158
#> 12   Repatriated 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737    0.20   0     4    0           0
#> 13  Saskatchewan 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737  251.78   0  1979  159           8
#> 14         Yukon 2020-01-25 2022-01-30   737   16.12   0   197    4           0
#>    quantile_50 quantile_75 current_value
#> 1          206         773             0
#> 2           72         580             0
#> 3           52         170             0
#> 4            3          16           274
#> 5            0           3             0
#> 6            2          17           425
#> 7            0           0           122
#> 8            0           0             0
#> 9          548        1549          1103
#> 10           0           1             0
#> 11         650        1093          2838
#> 12           0           0             0
#> 13          71         220          1347
#> 14           0           1             0