Connectivity Visualizations

Connectivity plots

The connectivity plots provide a way to visualize pair-wise correlation, coherence, and connectivity measures between nodes. There are 2 types of plots, shown in the image below. Both types of plots can be generated as an animation to view changes over time or as standalone plots.

1) Connectivity Plot

2) Connectivity Circle

Lines drawn on a 2D representation of a skull

Lines drawn between nodes represented in a circle

General Setup

Import required modules

from simpl_eeg import connectivity, eeg_objects
import warnings

Create epoched data

For additional options see Creating EEG Objects section.

experiment_folder = "../../data/927"
nth_epoch = 0

epochs = eeg_objects.Epochs(experiment_folder)
epoch = epochs.get_epoch(nth_epoch)
Reading /Users/mpin/Documents/MDS/capstone/simpl_eeg_capstone/data/927/fixica.fdt
loaded raw from ../../data/927/fixica.set
Not setting metadata
Not setting metadata
33 matching events found
Setting baseline interval to [-0.2998046875, 0.0] sec
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
0 projection items activated
Loading data for 33 events and 2049 original time points ...
0 bad epochs dropped

Create a Connectivity Plot animation

Define parameters

A detailed description of all parameters can be found in the connectivity.animate_connectivity docstring:

Help on function animate_connectivity in module simpl_eeg.connectivity:

animate_connectivity(epoch, calc_type='correlation', steps=20, pair_list=[], threshold=0, show_sphere=True, colormap='RdBu_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, line_width=None, title=None, colorbar=True, timestamp=True, frame_rate=12.0, **kwargs)
    Animate 2d EEG nodes on scalp with lines representing connectivity
        epochs: mne.epochs.Epochs
            Epoch to visualize
        calc_type: str (optional)
            Connectivity calculation type. Defaults to "correlation".
        steps: int (optional)
            Number of frames to use in correlation caluclation. Defaults to 20.
        pair_list: [str] (optional)
            List of node pairs. Defaults to [], which indicates all pairs.
        threshold: int (optional)
            Unsigned connectivity threshold to display connection.
            Defaults to 0.
        show_sphere: bool (optional)
            Whether to show the cartoon head or not. Defaults to True.
        colormap: str (optional)
            Colour scheme to use. Defaults to "RdBu_r"
        vmin: int (optional)
            The minimum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        vmin: int (optional)
            The maximum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        line_width: int (optional)
            The line width for the connections.
            Defaults to None for non-static width.
        title: str (optional)
            The title to display on the plot. Defaults to None for no title.
        colorbar: bool (optional)
            Whether to show the colorbar. Defaults to True.
        timestamp: bool (optional)
            Whether to show the timestamp caption. Defaults to True.
        frame_rate: int or float (optional)
            The frame rate to genearte the final animation with. Defaults to 12.0.
        **kwargs: dict (optional)
            Optional arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_sensors()
            Full list of options available at
            Animation of connectivity plot
vmin = -1
vmax = 1
colormap = "RdBu_r"
calc_type = "correlation"
line_width = None
steps = 50
threshold = 0
show_sphere = True
    "all_pairs": [],
    "local_anterior": "Fp1-F7, Fp2-F8, F7-C3, F4-C4, C4-F8, F3-C3",
    "local_posterior": "T5-C3, T5-O1, C3-P3, C4-P4, C4-T6, T6-O2",
    "far_coherence": "Fp1-T5, Fp2-T6, F7-T5, F7-P3, F7-O1, T5-F3, F3-P3, F4-P4, P4-F8, F8-T6, F8-O2, F4-T6",
    "prefrontal_to_frontal_and_central": "Fp1-F3, Fp1-C3, Fp2-F4, Fp2-C4",
    "occipital_to_parietal_and_central": "C3-O1, P3-O1, C4-O2, P4-O4",
    "prefrontal_to_parietal": "Fp1-P3, Fp2-P4",
    "frontal_to_occipital": "F3-O1, P4-O2",
    "prefrontal_to_occipital": "Fp1-O1, Fp2-O2"

# select from the PAIR_OPTIONS options above or use a custom pair.
pair_list = []  # leave as an empty list if you want all pairs

# example of referencing a pair from the list
pair_list = PAIR_OPTIONS["far_coherence"]

Generating the animation

# for displaying animation in jupyter notebook
%matplotlib inline

anim = connectivity.animate_connectivity(

from IPython.display import HTML

html_plot = anim.to_jshtml()
video = HTML(html_plot)

Saving the animation

Save as html

html_file_path = "examples/connectivity.html"

html_file = open(html_file_path, "w")

Save as gif

gif_file_path = "examples/connectivity.gif"

# set frames per second (fps) and resolution (dpi), fps=3, dpi=300)

Save as mp4

mp4_file_path = "examples/connectivity.mp4", fps=3, dpi=300)


If FFMpegWriter does not work on your computer you can save the file as a gif first and then convert it into mp4 file by running the code below.

import moviepy.editor as mp

clip = mp.VideoFileClip(gif_file_path)

Create a Connectivity Circle animation

Define parameters

A detailed description of all parameters can be found in the connectivity.animate_connectivity_circle docstring:

Help on function animate_connectivity_circle in module simpl_eeg.connectivity:

animate_connectivity_circle(epoch, calc_type='correlation', max_connections=50, steps=20, colormap='RdBu_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, line_width=1.5, title=None, colorbar=True, timestamp=True, frame_rate=12.0, **kwargs)
    Animate connectivity circle
        epoch: mne.epochs.Epochs
            Epoch to visualize
        calc_type: str (optional)
            Connectivity calculation type. Defaults to "correlation".
        max_connections: int (optional)
            Number of connections to display. Defaults to 50.
        steps: int (optional)
            Number of frames to use in correlation caluclation. Defaults to 20.
        colormap: str (optional)
            Colour scheme to use. Defaults to "RdBu_r".
        vmin: int (optional)
            The minimum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        vmin: int (optional)
            The maximum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        line_width: int (optional)
            The line width for the connections. Defaults to 1.5.
        title: str (optional)
            The title to display on the plot. Defaults to None for no title.
        colorbar: bool (optional)
            Whether to display the colorbar or not. Defaults to True.
        timestamp: bool (optional)
            Whether to display the timestamp caption. Defaults to True.
        frame_rate: int or float (optional)
            The frame rate to genearte the final animation with. Defaults to 12.0.
        **kwargs: dict (optional)
            Optional arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_connectivity_circle()
            Full list of options available at
            Animation of connectivity plot
vmin = -1
vmax = 1
colormap = "RdBu_r"
calc_type = "correlation"
line_width = 1
steps = 50
max_connections = 50

Generating the animation

# for displaying animation in jupyter notebook
%matplotlib notebook

anim = connectivity.animate_connectivity_circle(

from IPython.display import HTML

html_plot = anim.to_jshtml()
video = HTML(html_plot)

Saving the animation

Save as html

html_file_path = "examples/connectivity_circle.html"
html_file = open(html_file_path, "w")

Save as gif

gif_file_path = "examples/connectivity_circle.gif"

# set frames per second (fps) and resolution (dpi), fps=3, dpi=300)

Save as mp4

mp4_file_path = "examples/connectivity_cicle.mp4", fps=3, dpi=300)


If FFMpegWriter does not work on your computer you can save the file as a gif first and then convert it into mp4 file by running the code below.

import moviepy.editor as mp

clip = mp.VideoFileClip(gif_file_path)

Create a Connectivity Plot

Define parameters

A detailed description of all animation parameters can be found in the connectivity.plot_connectivity docstring:

Help on function plot_connectivity in module simpl_eeg.connectivity:

plot_connectivity(epoch, fig=None, locations=None, calc_type='correlation', pair_list=[], threshold=0, show_sphere=True, readjust_sphere='auto', colormap='RdBu_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, line_width=None, title=None, colorbar=True, caption=None, **kwargs)
    Plot 2d EEG nodes on scalp with lines representing connectivity
        epoch: mne.epochs.Epochs
            Epoch to visualize
        fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure (optional)
            Figure to plot on. Defaults to None.
        locations: [matplotlib.text.Text] (optional)
            List of node locations. Defaults to None.
        calc_type: str
            Connectivity calculation type
        pair_list: [str] (optional)
            List of node pairs. Defaults to [], which indicates all pairs.
        threshold: int (optional)
            Unsigned connectivity threshold to display connection.
            Defaults to 0.
        show_sphere: bool (optional)
            Whether to show the cartoon head or not. Defaults to True.
        readjust_sphere: bool or "auto" (optional)
            Tries to re-align cartoon head but may overcorrect. Defaults to "auto".
        colormap: str (optional)
            Colour scheme to use. Defaults to "RdBlu_r".
        vmin: int (optional)
            The minimum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        vmin: int (optional)
            The maximum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        line_width: int (optional)
            The line width for the connections.
            Defaults to None for non-static width.
        title: str (optional)
            The title to display on the plot. Defaults to None for no title.
        colorbar: bool (optional)
            Whether to display the colorbar. Defaults to True.
        caption: str (optional)
            The caption to display at the bottom of the plot. Defaults to None.
        **kwargs: dict (optional)
            Optional arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_sensors()
            Full list of options available at
            The generated connectivity figure
vmin = -1
vmax = 1
colormap = "RdBu_r"
calc_type = "correlation"
line_width = None
threshold = 0
show_sphere = True
readjust_sphere = 'auto'
    "all_pairs": [],
    "local_anterior": "Fp1-F7, Fp2-F8, F7-C3, F4-C4, C4-F8, F3-C3",
    "local_posterior": "T5-C3, T5-O1, C3-P3, C4-P4, C4-T6, T6-O2",
    "far_coherence": "Fp1-T5, Fp2-T6, F7-T5, F7-P3, F7-O1, T5-F3, F3-P3, F4-P4, P4-F8, F8-T6, F8-O2, F4-T6",
    "prefrontal_to_frontal_and_central": "Fp1-F3, Fp1-C3, Fp2-F4, Fp2-C4",
    "occipital_to_parietal_and_central": "C3-O1, P3-O1, C4-O2, P4-O4",
    "prefrontal_to_parietal": "Fp1-P3, Fp2-P4",
    "frontal_to_occipital": "F3-O1, P4-O2",
    "prefrontal_to_occipital": "Fp1-O1, Fp2-O2"

# select from the PAIR_OPTIONS options above or use a custom pair.
pair_list = []  # leave as an empty list if you want all pairs

# example of referencing a pair from the list
pair_list = PAIR_OPTIONS["far_coherence"]

Generating a standalone plot


Generating a plot will use the first frame in the epoch, so make sure to update your epoch object to contain your frame of interest.

# for displaying plot in jupyter notebook
%matplotlib inline
plot = connectivity.plot_connectivity(

Saving the plot

You can change the file to different formats by changing the format argument in the function. It supports png, pdf, svg.

file_path = "examples/connectivity.svg"

Create a Connectivity Circle Plot

Define parameters

A detailed description of all animation parameters can be found in the connectivity.plot_conn_circle docstring:

Help on function plot_conn_circle in module simpl_eeg.connectivity:

plot_conn_circle(epoch, fig=None, calc_type='correlation', max_connections=50, ch_names=[], colormap='RdBu_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, line_width=1.5, title=None, colorbar=True, caption=None, **kwargs)
    Plot connectivity circle
        epoch: mne.epochs.Epochs
            Epoch to visualize
        fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure (optional)
            Figure to plot on. Defaults to None.
        calc_type: str (optional)
            Connectivity calculation type. Defaults to "correlation"
        max_connections: int (optional)
            Maximum connections to plot. Defaults to 50.
        ch_names: [str] (optional)
            List of channel names to display.
            Defaults to [], which indicates all channels.
        vmin: int (optional)
            The minimum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        vmin: int (optional)
            The maximum for the scale. Defaults to None.
        colormap: str (optional)
            Colour scheme to use. Defaults to "RdBu_r".
        colormap: bool (optional)
            Whether to plot the colorbar. Defaults to True.
        line_width: int (optional)
            The line width for the connections. Defaults to 1.5.
        title: str (optional)
            The title to display on the plot. Defaults to None for no title.
        colorbar: bool (optional)
            Whether to display the colorbar or not. Defaults to True.
        caption: str (optional)
            The caption to display at the bottom of the plot. Defaults to None.
        **kwargs: dict (optional)
            Optional arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_connectivity_circle()
            Full list of options available at
            Connectivity circle figure
vmin = -1
vmax = 1
colormap = "RdBu_r"
calc_type = "correlation"
line_width = 1
max_connections = 50

Generating a standalone plot


Generating a plot will use the first frame in the epoch, so make sure to update your epoch object to contain your frame of interest.

# for displaying plot in jupyter notebook
%matplotlib inline

plot = connectivity.plot_conn_circle(

Saving the plot

You can change the file to different formats by changing the format argument in the function. It supports png, pdf, svg.

file_path = "examples/connectivity_circle.svg"