Lecture Learning Objectives#
Lecture 1 - Generalized Linear Models: Link Functions and Count Regression#
Explain the Data Science workflow in Regression Analysis.
Recall the basics of Ordinary Least-squares (OLS) regression.
Identify cases where OLS regression is not suitable.
Distinguish what makes a regression model “linear.”
Explain the concept of generalized linear models (GLMs).
Explore the concept of the link function.
Outline the modelling framework of count regression.
Fit and interpret count regression.
Use count regression for prediction.
Explain and test overdispersion on count-type data.
Lecture 2 - Generalized Linear Models: Model Selection and Multinomial Logistic Regression#
Perform likelihood-based model selection through analysis of deviance, Akaike Information Criterion, and Bayesian Information Criterion.
Extend the link function concept of the generalized linear models (GLMs) to other discrete categorical responses.
Outline the modelling framework of the Multinomial Logistic regression.
Fit and interpret the Multinomial Logistic regression.
Use the Multinomial Logistic regression for prediction.
Lecture 3 - Generalized Linear Models: Ordinal Logistic Regression#
Outline the modelling framework of the Ordinal Logistic regression.
Explain the concept of proportional odds.
Fit and interpret Ordinal Logistic regression.
Use the Ordinal Logistic regression for prediction.
Lecture 4 - Linear Mixed-Effects Models#
Identify the model assumptions in a linear Mixed-Effects model.
Associate a term (or combination of terms) in a Mixed-Effects model with the following quantities:
Fixed effect estimates.
Variances of the random effects.
Regression coefficients for each group and population.
Predictions on existing groups and a new group.
Fit a linear Mixed-Effects model in
, and extract estimates of the above quantities.Identify the consequences of fitting a fixed-effects linear regression model when there are groups, whether a slope parameter is pooled or fit separately per group.
Explain the difference between the distributional assumption on the random effects and the fixed effects estimates’ sampling distribution.
Lecture 5 - Survival Analysis#
Identify when data is censored.
Understand the consequence of subsetting to uncensored data or ignoring the censored property instead of using Survival Analysis methods.
Obtain univariate estimates for the mean, median, and survival function in
with the Kaplan-Meier technique.Identify when the Kaplan-Meier survival function estimate cannot produce mean and high quantile estimates.
Interpret the regression coefficients of a Cox Proportional Hazards model, and identify the model assumptions.
Obtain predictions from a Cox Proportional Hazards model.
Lecture 6 - Local Regression#
Define the concept of local regression.
Model and perform piecewise constant, linear, and continuous linear local regressions.
Extend the concept of \(k\)-NN classification to a regression framework.
Define and apply locally weighted scatterplot smoother regression.
Lecture 7 - Quantile Regression#
Review what a quantile is.
Compare the error functions of Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) regression versus Quantile regression.
Recognize the impacts of parametric and distributional assumptions in Quantile regression.
Perform non-parametric Quantile regression.
Perform parametric Quantile regression.
Lecture 8 - Missing Data#
Identify and explain the three common types of missing data mechanisms.
Identify a potential consequence of removing missing data on downstream analyses.
Identify a potential consequence of a mean imputation method on downstream analyses.
Identify the four steps involved with a multiple imputation method for handling missing data.
Use the
package inR
to fit multiple imputed models.